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Grandmother's House (Bonus Track)
Carly Simon


Grandmother's House
Lyrics & Music by: Carly Simon

I slip on my red cape
I slide on my stockings
I lace up my black boots
Hear the wind as it rattles the window

I blush on some color
Blow the kids guilty kisses
I pick up my basket
Down in the elevator, I go

The rain is slanting
The cops are smiling
The bread is baking
Time goes so slow
To Grandmother's house
To Grandmother's house, we go

Christmas is coming
The city is humming
With last minute shoppers
As the rain turns to snow and accumulates

Windshields are wipenings
We're weaving through traffic
Temperatures are falling
I'm beginning to get desperate

The walls are waiting
My heart is racing
What if I'm too late
Time goes so slow
To Grandmother's house
To Grandmother's house, we go

The corner of Houston
Salvation Army
Shiny white package
I'll go home as the woman who can everything

The Lords are leaping
The Ladies dancing
The cars are creeping
Time goes so slow
To Grandmother's house
To Grandmother's house, we go

She won’t be disappointed
In our little tiny canopies
I gonna’ bring the kids
I’m gonna’ to bring the punch
I’m gonna’ bring the rum
I’m gonna’ do the dance
I’m gonna’ do everything
I’m gonna’ screw my husband
until he’s wild and red in the ears
I’m gonna’ screw Santa too
In front of everybody
Oh my God!

© 2000 C'est Music ASCAP